Who We Are

Our Mission

History of the Borrego Water District

The Borrego Water District was formed in 1962 to protect the groundwater resources of the Borrego Valley from being exported to developments, which were seeking Borrego’s water in the Salton Sea area. When the Salton Sea threat was resolved the Borrego Water District became inactive and by 1979 it was being targeted by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for dissolution.

The district was originally formed under Division 13 of the California Water Code as a California Water District (Ref. Sect. 34000 et seq of the Water Code) These provisions are specific to California Water Districts and differ from the statutory requirements of other water agencies formed under different enabling acts, such as Irrigation Districts, Municipal Water Districts, County Water Districts, cities and privately held utilities. 

The District is required to operate under the provisions of its enabling act, along with applicable sections of the Government Code, Elections Code and Health & Safety Code among others. In addition, the district is regulated by several other government entities including the State of California, the County of San Diego, California Regional Water Quality Board, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. BWD has also developed its own rules and regulations, resolutions, policies, ordinances and internal administrative procedures, rates and fees. The BWD was originally a landowner voter district and converted to a “registered voter” district in 1981. (Water Code Section 35200).

Elections to the board of directors are held every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in odd-numbered years. There are five directors elected “at-large” (district-wide) rather than by division, who serve a four-year term. Directors take office on the last Friday in November following the general election.eWC 35204). Terms are staggered by two years such that three positions are open in one election year and two years thereafter, two positions are open. Elections for board offices including President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer are held at the first meeting in January every two years.