Photos Courtesy of: Sicco Rood

Waste Water Treatment Plant

Concentrated use of septic tanks over a long period of time can have negative effects on local groundwater quality.

To protect groundwater, the Borrego Water District operates and maintains sewer line infrastructure and the Ram’s Hill Waste Water Treatment Facility (WWTF) under a waste discharge permit issued by the Colorado River Basin Regional Control Board.

Sewer flows are collected from about 400 connections in Town Center, Club Circle/Borrego Springs Resort and Rams Hill/Deep Well.  With a 250,000 gallon per day capacity, the WWTF treats sewage which is left to percolate back into the groundwater.

If you are interested in becoming a new sewer customer, please complete our Service Application.

Utilizing $276,000 thru California’s Proposition 68 Grant for Sustainable Groundwater Management, in 2023, BWD was able to install a monitoring well network around the percolation ponds to identify any negative effects on groundwater.  No threat has been identified to date.

Initially constructed in 1984, the Borrego Water District was able to secure about $500,000 for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Project thru the Clean Water State Revolving Fund thru an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board in 2021.

Upon completion of this project all equipment was refurbished and operating like new.


Within the Borrego Water District (BWD) Service area, Rams Hill, Borrego Springs Resort/Club Circle and Town Center are all connected to the sewer collection system that feeds our 250,000 gallon per day Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP).

The WWTP is managed by a BWD employee who serves as the Operator in Charge with periodic support, as needed, from BWD Water Operations staff. BWDs WWTP is operated under a Discharge Permit issued in 2019 from the CA Regional Board (Permit #R7-2019-0015).