Photos Courtesy of: Sicco Rood

New Service Application

Please fill out and submit the form below. All items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.  If you prefer to download and fill out a paper version of the form, please click here.

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Please Select Ownership
Service Address
Owner Name
Owner Address
*Please note that USPS will not deliver to a street address in Borrego Springs
Tenant Name
Tenant Mailing Address
*Please note USPS will not deliver to a street address in Borrego Springs
The following provisions are from the Borrego Water District Administrative Code • Customer must read and sign this “Application/Agreement for Water Service” and pay the associated fees from the “Water Rates” sheet. • If this is a new installation, the customer is required to clearly mark the property lines with a stake and mark the side of the lot where they prefer the new meter be installed (meter will be installed along one of the side property lines within the street right-of-way). The District reserves the right to determine the final location of the meter site. • Customer agrees to pay the monthly “Readiness to Serve Charge” from the “Water Rates” sheet and usage bill on or before the 24th of each month, or be subject to “late fees”. An account delinquent for two (2) consecutive months of four (4) months within a twelve month period will be required to post a deposit equal to two months average bill for that account but not less than one hundred ($100) dollars in order to continue or re-establish service. The following provisions are from the Borrego Water District Administrative Code (cont’d) • Once a meter has been installed, the “Readiness to Serve Charge” will be billed monthly whether or not there is any usage. If the bill is not paid for any reason for a 3-month period of time, a lien will be placed on the property, the water meter will be subject to removal and new installation fees will apply. • Any payment by a check that is not honored will result in a penalty or a deposit being required. • It is the customer’s responsibility to keep the meter box clear of landscaping and debris, within 3 feet of the meter box. If the meter reader cannot read the meter due to any of the above, the District will estimate usage for that billing and the customer will be notified to clear the meter before the next reading. If a second notice is required, a fee determined by the Board from time to time, will be applied to the water bill. • Customer is responsible for all plumbing on their side of the water meter. • Under no circumstance is the customer to operate the District’s meter shut-off located on the street-side of the water meter. Customer will only use the shut-off valve on their side of the meter; if inoperable, contact the District office for assistance. • Customers are forbidden to attach any ground wire to any plumbing, which may, or may not be, connected to the District’s distribution system. • The District agrees to provide 24-hour notice, if possible, when water is to be shut-off for repairs. • Customer will install and maintain a water pressure regulator on their side of the meter service. The District is not responsible for damage of personal property due to the fluctuation of water pressure. • The District or its duly authorized agents shall at all reasonable times have the right to enter or leave the customer’s premises for any purpose reasonably related to the service of water to the customer. • Any change in meter size or change in meter location, requested by the customer, will be charged time and materials and will be performed at the discretion of the District. • It is the responsibility of the customer to notify the District of any change of ownership or change of billing address. For your protection, in case of any emergency situation, please make sure we have phone numbers on file to reach you in your absence from Borrego. • The District reserves the right to meter any service and to make the final determination as to the size and location of each service connection and meter. • In lieu of providing a Certificate of Liability Insurance, I hereby declare that I will assume all responsibility for any damage done to the water meter or the water system as a result of my connection to the system. • Wasteful or negligent use of water on a customer’s premises is expressly prohibited. Such use may result in discontinuance of service as provided by other applicable sections of the District’s Administrative Code, or other applicable ordinance of the District. ** Please take note the owner of this property is ultimately responsible for any unpaid balance left by the tenant. If service is billed to a tenant, the property owner will be notified if service is discontinued for non-payment. **Updated: 04-15-22