Photos Courtesy of: Sicco Rood

Discontinuation of Water Service Data (SB998)

Below is information on Borrego Water District’s service disconnections pursuant to Section 116918 of the California Water Shutoff Protection Plan (Senate Bill 998). The code requires that an urban and community water system shall report the number of annual discontinuations of residential services for inability to pay on the urban and community water systems internet website.

Residential service connections that had water shut off once during the year due to failure to pay:

Account Type 2020  2021 2022  2023
Residential Service 5 1 40  

(Note: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, BWD paused disconnections for non-payment beginning in March 2020. Non-payment disconnections resumed in January 2022.)

Residential service: Water service to a residential connection that includes single-family residences, multifamily residences, mobile homes, including, but not limited to, mobile homes in mobile home parks, or farmworker housing.