Photos Courtesy of: Sicco Rood

Automatic Payment Authorization

Please fill out and submit the form below. All items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.  If you prefer to download and fill out a paper version of the form, please click here.

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Customer Name
Automatic Debits (Auto Pay) I hereby authorize, Borrego Water District, herinafter called BWD, to initiate debit entries and adjustments for any debit entries in error to my: (Please check one)
City, State Only
In order to ensure accuracy please attach a copy of a voided check.
By Pressing Submit Customer Agrees and understands that Borrego Water District will automatically debit authorized account until advised otherwise in writing in such time and in such manner as to afford BWD and DEPOSITORY a reasonable opportunity to act on it. .
NOTE: ALL WRITTEN DEBIT AUTHORIZATIONS MUST PROVIDE THAT THE RECEIVER MAY REVOKE THE AUTHORIZATION ONLY BY NOTIFYING THE ORIGINATOR IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED IN THE AUTHORIZATION. DEBITS WILL OCCUR AROUND THE 20TH OF EACH MONTH. *Borrego Water District may need to very information and will refer to customer information on file, please ensure your contact information is up to date, auto pay request may be rejected if Borrego Water District is unable to verify customer information.